Investment Management and Financial Planning

Independent fee-only investment management and financial planning

Based in Reston, Virginia, RP Slater Financial Management, LLC has represented a wide range of clients for the past 15 years.

Whether you are planning for your children’s college fund, purchasing a home, retirement, or anything in between, we are here to advise you and give you peace of mind that you are moving towards reaching your goals. Our clients have different situations, needs, and goals, and we work hard to provide support and unique solutions to each and every client. We specialize in retirement planning, helping our clients put themselves in the best position possible to maintain a comfortable lifestyle after retirement.

Investment Management

Portfolio Analysis and Diversification
Investment Management
Financial Risk Management
Retirement Analysis
401(k) Rollover


Investment Strategy

The Company strategy for portfolio management is client-oriented. We use three primary rules to evaluate and manage each client's portfolio:

THE PORTFOLIO MAKEUP SHOULD MATCH THE CLIENT. Each client has a different risk tolerance and each client has a different time horizon as to when funds will be needed and how funds will be used. We take this information into consideration to customize individual portfolios.

DIVERSIFICATION REDUCES RISK. We utilize multiple asset classes, investment styles, market capitalization, sectors and regions to provide this diversification. Our intention is to buffer the down market in certain securities while taking advantage of up markets in other securities.
We use a buy-and-hold strategy, and only rebalance when necessary. We never use mutual funds that charge sales commissions and we avoid high cost securities that reduce portfolio performance. Because of our fee structure, we have no incentive to trade often or select a security that isn't in the best interest of the client.


As a fee-only investment advisor and fiduciary, I do not sell any products or accept any commissions. All advice is paid for by the client and always in the best interest of the client.

Fiduciary Certified Financial Planner™ Fee only

Financial Planning

Retirement Analysis
Financial Risk Assessment
Investment Analysis
Net Worth and Cash Flow Analysis


Personalized Financial Plans

The Company offers professional financial planning and advice for an hourly $250 fee. A comprehensive financial plan is available at a preset $3000 fee that includes an entire financial analysis and report of net worth, retirement expectations, cash flow tuning and financial risk assessment and recommendations. Separate components of a comprehensive plan are also available at a per-hour or preset fee.

Fiduciary Certified Financial Planner™ Fee only